Exit Health Medicals.

Exit medicals designed by professions for your specific business needs.

Exit health medicals are conducted when an employee leaves an organisation. It’s a great way to ensure the health of your workforce as they leave your employment and ensure your workplace hasn’t contributed to any long-term health conditions.
Occupational Health Direct works with employers to customise exit medicals to get you the information you need to ensure the performance and security of your team and your business.

Key reasons for performing Exit Medicals for your team.

  • Documentation of Employee Health: Exit health medicals provide a documented record of an employee’s health status at the time of their departure. This documentation can be valuable in case of any future health-related claims or disputes that may arise after the employee leaves the organisation. It ensures that the employer has a clear record of the employee’s health condition when they were employed, which can be used for legal or insurance purposes if necessary.
  • Identification of Occupational Health Risks: Employers can identify any potential occupational health risks associated with the specific job or workplace environment. This information can be used to implement preventive measures and make necessary improvements to protect the health and safety of current and future employees.
  • Evaluation of Workplace Health Programs: Exit health medicals can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of workplace health programs or initiatives that were implemented during the employee’s tenure. By assessing the impact of these programs on the employee’s health, employers can determine if adjustments or improvements need to be made.
  • Data for Research and Analysis: Aggregated data from exit health medicals can contribute to research and analysis regarding employee health trends, occupational hazards, or workplace-related health issues.
  • Continuity of Care: Exit health medicals can facilitate a smooth transition of medical care for employees leaving the organisation. The assessment can provide the departing employee with a comprehensive health summary that they can share with their new healthcare provider.
  • Legal and Insurance Compliance: In certain industries or jurisdictions, exit health medicals may be required by law or insurance providers. Conducting these examinations ensures that the employer complies with legal or contractual obligations. It helps protect the organisation from potential legal disputes or insurance claims by providing documented evidence of the employee’s health condition upon leaving.
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