To ensure safety and health on the roads.

LTNZ require Medical Certification for completion of an application or renewal of your drivers licence in the following circumstances.
- Application for or renewal of a Class 2,3,4 or 5 licence and have not produced a medical certificate in 5 years.
- Application for or renewal of a P, V, I or O endorsement and have not produced a medical certificate in 5 years.
- You have or have had in the past 5 years a medical condition that could adversely affect your ability to drive. Types of medical conditions that may require a medical certificate include:
- Diabetes.
- Visual disturbances such as double vision/cataracts/visual loss.
- Seizures, fits, convulsions or unexplained loss of consciousness.
- Serious injuries such as head injuries, amputations or spinal injuries.
- High blood pressure.
- Strokes.
- Any other condition that may affect your ability to drive safely.
What do I need to bring for my NZTA Drivers Licence?
- Photo ID – Drivers Licence or Passport.
- List of any regular or PRN medications.
- Letters from any treating physicians of significant medical conditions confirming that your condition and the treatments you require will not impair your ability to drive.
- Glasses or contact lenses if normally worn.
How much does completing my NZTA Medical cost?
- For a simple Medical the cost is $145 inclusive of all diagnostic testing.
- For complicated assessments including requesting and reviewing treating clinicians management and engaging with provider clinicians additional costs will apply.